Car Wash Water Recycling is a complex process and is different from other water filtration processes. People almost everytime fall for the cheaper water filtration processes which do not do the job well.
One of the main differences in Car Wash water recycling systems is the presence of oil in water. Each and every car has grease lining or oil leakage below the car. When you wash the Underchassis, this oil gets into the car wash waste water tank. Most equipment suppliers supply the water recycling system without providing the Oil separation system. The standard filtration systems may work fine for some time but after a while, the Filters will get clogged rendering the entire Water Recycling system to just a show piece.
The first and foremost step in Wash water – water recycling is Oil and Sludge removal. You can do it two ways
In a 3 tank process, water is passed through 3 concrete underground tanks which trap the oil and sludge in them. The water enters in Tank 1, overflows to Tank 2, leaving the heavy dirt in Tank 1 itself. Tank 2 and Tank 3 are connected from the bottom. The Oil being lighter remains at the top of tank 2 and cannot enter Tank 3. This system removes heavy dirt and oil in Tank 1 and Tank 2 respectively.
KKE Skid 1 of Water Reclamation system is an above ground system which uses efficient Oil removal process to separate Oil and Sludge from water. Only a small water collection pit needs to be made from where the submersible pump pumps out the water to Skid 1. The sludge gets collected in the hopper, while Oil gets collected in the Oil Chamber. The water flows out by gravity from the outlet port. This system is known to have removed all non – emulsified Oil content from the water at a much faster rate.
Skid 1 brings in a lot of advantages as against the 3 Tank process
The further stages of Car Wash Water Recycling System are :